Monday, October 22, 2012

Cat walks on leash

Loverboy got his "get out of jail free card!"
HI again, missed you all.  There has been some news since I last blogged!  Loverboy was adopted! Great for him, though I am sad, as he was my favorite cat. It is very encouraging that he was adopted, and by the public too, since he is FIV+.  Usually, these cats are passed up again and again.  One of the reasons he did go home is that he could walk on a leash.  This, I started doing with him a while back since he has so much energy and just needs to move!  So now I make it a plan to get all the cats I work with on a leash, and show that as a feature of them to adopters.

Another FIV+, Miss Ellie went to a foster home. Apparently, she is doing well there.  Now, I thought my work load is lessening with the FIVs but no sooner than these two are gone does a new one named "Mia" appear. She is a black, female, FIV+, and is quite hissey around the others. ***sigh***.

Majken, a sweetheart tabby finally got adopted. She managed to work her way up to being a floor cat, which is not a bad place to be in the shelter community for a cat!  But, instead, someone that is familiar with the shelter, e.g. a delivery person or something of that nature, adopted her!  I can see why, she is so sweet and loving.  Good for her!

Tidbit, one of the non-FIVs I work with is a handful. She agreeably comes out of her cage for playtime, but look out trying to return her to it!  I managed to get a harness and leash on her, and even walk her, but it was drama big time trying to negotiate with her to get it off.  I must have gotten bit and scratched beyond recognition!