Monday, October 22, 2012

Cat walks on leash

Loverboy got his "get out of jail free card!"
HI again, missed you all.  There has been some news since I last blogged!  Loverboy was adopted! Great for him, though I am sad, as he was my favorite cat. It is very encouraging that he was adopted, and by the public too, since he is FIV+.  Usually, these cats are passed up again and again.  One of the reasons he did go home is that he could walk on a leash.  This, I started doing with him a while back since he has so much energy and just needs to move!  So now I make it a plan to get all the cats I work with on a leash, and show that as a feature of them to adopters.

Another FIV+, Miss Ellie went to a foster home. Apparently, she is doing well there.  Now, I thought my work load is lessening with the FIVs but no sooner than these two are gone does a new one named "Mia" appear. She is a black, female, FIV+, and is quite hissey around the others. ***sigh***.

Majken, a sweetheart tabby finally got adopted. She managed to work her way up to being a floor cat, which is not a bad place to be in the shelter community for a cat!  But, instead, someone that is familiar with the shelter, e.g. a delivery person or something of that nature, adopted her!  I can see why, she is so sweet and loving.  Good for her!

Tidbit, one of the non-FIVs I work with is a handful. She agreeably comes out of her cage for playtime, but look out trying to return her to it!  I managed to get a harness and leash on her, and even walk her, but it was drama big time trying to negotiate with her to get it off.  I must have gotten bit and scratched beyond recognition! 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Drama with Victoria

Yesterday's visit was exciting as usual. I limited myself to kitties that I thought were nice, but was I wrong!  Victoria, a disturbed kitty I took a liking too, started out with her usual growling and discontent at being picked up from her cage. I took her to the larger room, the auditorium, as there are few cats in there and she always seemed calmer. Ok, no problem. Except- I have a few other cats to socialize too, and don't have a half hour or more to spend with her there!  So off we go to the playroom.  She is growling and expressing her discontent.

Oh well. I get a few of the other cats out: Memphis walked out of his cage, and Paulette came to sit on a cat tree. Tidbit came out too. Memphis played nicely and did not get into any trouble with other cats, though he still spouts off a fierce growl or hiss. I am pleased with his progress, and its unfortunate that he has always been shunned by volunteers and staff alike, due to alleged neurological problems and or head trauma.

But when their play session came to an end, getting Victoria back to her cage proved a bit more challenging. I normally can return her without contest. As I was walking back with her in my arms, she just freaked out like a feral cat! Squirmed and clawed and growled like mad!  Out of my arms she flew, and right into the garbage can next to me!  It was horrific to all around! That was unsettling to me to say the least. I don't know if I will try working with her again. After reading her medical records, I note she had a gran mal seizure while in foster care. This suggests epilepsy, but without asking a clinician about her, I don't know. I am sad to think I won't be able to handle her anymore. 

Of the FIVs, Thomas enjoyed getting his cone removed and a lavish neck rub and sponge bath!  Lauren bought him a new cone! How sweet!  He was so relieved.
Miss Ellie
Loverboy and Ginger walked on their harnesses. Ginger is getting better at it, I just wish I had time to give him while he is in the learning stages.  Loverboy was a natural at it from the start!

Rumor has it that Alvin and Miss Ellie will be adopted by a board member to live in a barn!  While this comes with mixed feelings by those of us who care for these kitties, it is probably better in the long run, at least for Miss Ellie, who is not a people cat anyway.  Alvin is social so we don't know if we like it for him. I know i will dearly miss Alvin, but at this writing, I can't do better for him! Winters here can be harsh in a barn!

Monday, July 9, 2012


On my last visit a week ago, the cats seemed moody, maybe because their play date was a day late! Memphis recognized me when I opened the door to his room and I looked at him and called his name and he meowed for me nicely! He played and ran around and didn't bother other cats, but THEY bothered him first!  Tidbit took a hissy stance at him so he hissed back. Can't really casually handle him yet. I suspect he will spout off a hiss randomly because of his injury/illness as he is not aware of everything and gets scared.

Paulette another social misfit came out onto a cat tree and sat. She picked a fight with toby in the adjacent cage of course! Though, having her walk out onto a perch is a major step forward for her.

For some reason the cats were a bit difficult picking up and returning to their cages last Tuesday. Even easy cats like Alvin and Tahlullah growled at me and resisted (not extreme). Miss Ellie beat me up too, and at least a male volunteer got her in and out for me.  Blackie was unmanageable and would not come out for me at all. usually I can drag her out, but she started the Snowflake thing of making big drama, as if she was being tortured. Ok, I get the message.

Loverboy was on a leash and ran back into the auditorium, broke away from my grip and leaped up on to the desk of a lady the back office, knocked down a stack of papers on it, and jumped onto her keyboard, changing the screen, and then walked onto the keyboard of the laptop next to that computer! **gasp** horrifying!  Then two teenagers wanted to walk Loverboy, and I was afraid to leave him in their keeping, but they said they would watch him when I got Ginger. They did, with a little training on 'a cat on a leash', they did ok. Though, they get bored quickly (is the issue, and Loverboy goes to sleep). One girl left, and the other one was left holding onto Loverboy. She helped me get them into the maternity/play room at least. Delegating is nice if it works!

Tidbit likewise, threw a fit going back to the cage. She is small and its hard to get too injured with her! I know I was a day late for playtime, but can they know that and be that upset over it? Little One crawled under the cages and was a pain to dig out. He likes his cage, though I wish he wouldn't use his claws to take a flying leap into it!

I just got word from Lauren, that Snowflake was adopted! Miracles are possible! She was very difficult for me to get back to her cage one time (the worst, feral-like cat behavior). Apparently, she came out of her cage, went to a visiting room and sat on the visitors lap, all without issue! Surprise, surprise!  And the new owner called into say Snowflake (now known as Lily) is doing wonderfully!  Ok, glad she is re-homed, and now that lets me know, I should not risk my life and limb to work with difficult(to me) cats! Leave em be! They find their own new owners! I will stick with the nicey nice ones!

Also, Mr Morgan, a black cat, senior, in the final stages of kidney disease, also was adopted. He was taken in by a volunteer. Now he may live out the rest of his life in a home! Miracles happen.

And the happiest news is that Oliver (FIV+) was taken back by his owner. Rumor has it that he wants to take Thomas(FIV+) back too, his cat also. So it is very happy for the FIVs!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ginger is telling me something

This Tuesday's visit was a bit more calm than last Monday's visit.  No drama queens, though I did socialize with a few of the crabby ones.  I took Victoria, Blackie, and Roxanne out for a bit.  All are queen growlers.  Blackie will growl and hiss when I walk by her cage.  She will let me pick her up and hold her at least now. Victoria, a bi-color cat that was found as a kitten, has grown up in the shelter, unfortunately.  She lets out a quiet, raspy whining sound when I pick her up, it is so sad sounding.  Hopefully, she will get used to getting out of the cage, so that when someone wants to adopt, she would be easier to get out.

Roxanne is a real work too. She chews through any documents hanging on her cage, paper and plastic alike.  She is not too difficult to get out, but in the play room, she just sits and growls at everything. Once I can get these cats to play, I know I will have accomplished a good deal!

Next, the FIV's were meowing me out of the shelter. They know its playtime.  Things were pretty normal, except I couldn't get Oliver out of his cage as usual.  He had a hideous cone on his neck, similar to what Thomas has to wear.  He just didn't look good. I fear for him.  I will have to be more creative to get him out next time.

All the cats were active, and Tahlullah was a wild diva, keeping up with the best of them, chasing balls and laser beams.  Loverboy started punching Thomas and by the time I caught them, Thomas was on his back getting whacked by Loverboy!  I adore Loverboy, I just wish he wouldn't bully the other cats, and Thomas is down already for the count, with that cone on his neck!  

All the cats get sad when I have to return them to their cages, you can see their expressions drop.  When I put Ginger back to his cage, he bit my glove again, and would not let it go.  This makes me think he does not want me to leave?  I have to wonder if it is his way of physically trying to communicate with me, "not to leave." It is heartbreaking.

A Drama Queen

Last Monday's visit, Snowflake gave me much grief trying to get her back into her cage. She has to be the worst cat for socialization!  I know none of the cats are too eager to go back to their cages, but this girl put up such a drama: letting out blood-curdling screams, biting, clawing and growling wildly at me when I tried to coax her back to her cage.  The joke is, later I saw a couple of ten year old girls petting her in her cage as if there was nothing at all the matter!  She lets them pet her, but me, she beats up.  Well, she won't be getting let out again by me anytime soon! (nor anyone else most likely after that incident)

I wanted to get Snowflake back to her cage so I could start walking the FIV's.  I started with Ginger  as he is used to coming out of his cage, onto a perch and letting me snap a harness on him.  He is so gigantic, this helps as it hurts my shoulder to lift him!  He is eager to get out of the cage even if it means a harness. So we went to the window perch so he could look out for a bit. He is ok with it.  He was casually lounging looking out the window when an older man came up to us.  We were talking about how the cats like the fresh air.  He mentioned he had ~7 acres where the cats could roam.  Sounds like a good idea until he mentioned that there are strays there and he doesn't mind if they reproduce as he likes kittens!  *Sigh* everything the shelter is trying to prevent. Why is he here? Doesn't he have enough cats? As much as I want Ginger to get adopted, this guy isn't making the cut! I can't believe someone would actually come in a shelter and say things like that! Besides, Ginger has to be isolated from other non-FIV+ cats. Well, I politely removed us from the window perch and walked Ginger in the auditorium.  Though it was more like a lay-in.  Its more like I have to push and prod him to walk. After ~ 15 minutes of trying, I gave up and carried all of him to his cage. He bit my glove and wouldn't let go of it, when I dumped him in the cage!  Is he trying to tell me something?

The rest of the FIVs were behaved as usual for their play time, minus of course, Miss Ellie, who was still in clinic for an infection.  I asked a staff member to let me see her, and with a little bit of finagling, I got to see her. 
I acted excited to see her,
      "Hi Miss Ellie, your my baby, you missed play time today!"  
To my very big surprise, she reached her paw through the cage to touch me! This coming from a cat that has more than once sliced me up and hissed at me!  I was touched. Never in my life would I have thought she would warm up to me.  On that note, I felt that all my efforts with these cats ARE making a difference.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A new Cat

I took out a new black cat today, Donavan. He was very friendly and active.  He would find a home with his personality, just that he's black and it will be harder just on coloring to place him. The shelter has over 25 black cats as it is.  Looks like his tail was amputated and now he has to wear that hideous cone until its healed.

Next, I got Blackie out; she growled at me as usual, but she will sit nicely on one's lap forever if you have that long!  I just hope one day that she will play for me, as that would show great progress in socialization!

Of the fivs+ I got out Alvin, Ginger, Thomas, Loverboy, and Little One. Tallulah is too social for the first bunch and would get swatted for sure. Oliver wouldn't come out of his cage, and Miss Ellie was in ISO with a respiratory infection.

It seemed like there were fights galore and all I was doing was breaking up cats sparring. Ginger is a real work, and not only huge but a huge bully on top of it, seemed like I was always pulling him off of a cat. Loverboy has to be followed around too. He would punch Thomas in his face, strategically going right in the center of that hideous cone with his paw, repeatedly! Like Thomas is doing anything to cause this or defend himself. So I had to keep Thomas on my right, and he liked that and started purring!  Next, Alvin probably tired of hiding from the bullies and climbed on my lap and went to sleep.  Loverboy was on the perch below Thomas and kept chewing on my gloved hand!  I really adore Loverboy, but I wish he wouldn't bully the other cats.

Ginger ran and played for the first time, however. I made him get up this play session and wouldn't let him sit in the basket. The cats seemed to let him have the floor to himself, or maybe they didn't want to get attacked!

Time flies when your having fun.  Three hours seemed to go by in a heartbeat, and I didn't get to socialize all the cats I would like to!  I always make time at the end to make sure my special cats have comfy bedding.  I had to hunt down something softer for Alvin, which he always likes, he started kneading it with his paws. I found a nice bed for Blackie with tall, padded sides, even though she was growling at me the whole time.  I thought she would like that so she can hide from everyone.  I'd like to think if someone shows her a little kindness, maybe she will ease up and tolerate her stay at the shelter.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

An Adopted Cat

Today's visit was a little different for me.  I decided to try the shelter out when its closed!  Closed to the public that is.  To my surprise it was still very busy with staff, clinicians, and volunteers.  Though, I wasn't bumping into kid's groups and the like. 

One of the first things I do is check the adoption records, and to my delight, a cat I had worked with was adopted!  Fluffy white, Snowball found a home!  Its always a good feeling when that happens.  After talking to some of the staff, I went to see the kitties.

I usually try to get the non-FIV cats out first for a spell.  For starters, Majken, as she and I go back together, we both came to the shelter at the same time!  She was so shy at first, but my constant handling of her made her snap out of that, and now she is eager to get out of her cage.  She loves to go by the window and scratch on the cat tree.  It would be her dream to stay there for a few hours, but new rules won't let us have the caged cats out roaming anymore. :(  So, off we go to the maternity room.  She is getting used to it.

Next, I like to socialize at least one black cat on my visit, and Blackie is always my first pick as she is very difficult.  This time, she hissed at me when I stood in front of her cage, not even opening it!  Not good.  After I opened it, she put up a fuss even worse.  I couldn't seem to get my hand behind her to scoot her forward in the cage, so I gave up on this visit. Some cats would rather stay in their cages 24/7!

After Majken stretched out, I reluctantly put her back in her cage.  The FIVs were next on the list.  By now, they all awoke and were meowing like crazy to get out and play!  Alvin was pawing at me through his cage.  I decided to get them out in two groups.  The first had Oliver, Little One, Miss Ellie, Talullah, and Alvin.  Quite a haul for one cat sitter. I usually don't have that many at once, but I had a lot of ground to cover.

Oliver came out, but with a struggle.  He just sat on a perch the entire time sort of dozing in and out.  Little One has improved in shyness, instead of hiding under the cages, he is sitting in a corner.  Miss Ellie stayed on top of the cages, chasing the laser beam whenever it came to her.  Alvin was playful as usual, running up and down the room after beams and balls.  To my surprise, Talullah played for the first time!  She usually just walks around greeting cats and people but never plays.  This time she chased the laser beam and balls around. It seems like time flies during playtime.  Before I knew it, time for the second group.  At least Alvin can stay on because he can handle the more aggressive boys(hides) in the second group.

Finally, Loverboy was very excited when I came to his cage.  He knows what its about!  I took him to the window for a moment so he could see the sunshine!  He just loves any minute he gets.  After I drop him off in maternity, I go for Thomas.  I guess he just came out of surgery as he had a weird, hard plastic collar on so he wouldn't like his arm with stitches.  poor guy.  I was going to get Ginger out, but he had a note on the cage saying he is fasting for surgery and is not to be walked.  Poor guy.  He was meowing and meowing when I came by.  I never leave him locked up. So, I went and got him a comfy bed to make up for it. Beats laying on a towel.

So playtime went as usual with the boys.  Thomas even ran a little bit, inspite of that awful bib.  Loverboy seemed to make fun of him, going up to him, sniffing around the bib and finally slapping him on the back when he knew Thomas couldn't do anything about it.  Alvin was a sweetie as usual.  He crawled up on my lap and went to sleep.  All the playtime tired him out(just what I want).

Finally, after all the cats go back to their cages, I hunt down some cushy bedding for them.  I found pillows, pet beds, and cushions to replace all their towels with.  I hope they have them for a day or two before someone changes them out to towels again! So at least now they know they get playtime and comfy beds from me! 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Clipping a Cat's Claws

As usual, a visit to the shelter is never dull.  To think I was tired on this trip, was going to take it easy and lay low.  Well surprise, the shelter world would have nothing to do with that!  Firstly, it must have been field trip day from the local Jr high school. The place was crawling with teenagers, and also little children from the kid's animal education class.  Secondly, I had a lesson in clipping a cat's claws.  Finally, Lauren told me a long term resident, Castle, was sent to a Sr cat rescue group and apparently was adopted within a few days!  Quite heartwarming since he was at the shelter for ~ five years! 

I decide to take a few of the non-FIV cats out first.  Majken is always my first pick since she was the very first cat I got to know and is the sweetest (IMO).  She is cool and never gives me drama.  She will cuddle very easily in one's arms.  I take her to the window to get a sniff of fresh air, and she claws away at the cat tree she is on.  I would like to leave her there for my stay, but the shelter forbids the caged cats to run loose on the floor anymore. So we go off to the little room called the maternity ward. 

Next, I decide to go for drama.  Something in me must always long for problems in order to feel normal.  Blackie is troublesome.  I would try to get her out for a bit.  Well, she refused as usual.  Eventually, after much struggle, hissing, and growling I get her out of the back of the cage.  I keep saying I am not going to bother with these kinds of cats, but still, they need some socializing too.

It bothers me to see them passed up over and over again for adoption.  She is a black cat and they are not as popular for adoption. So we have to overcome her disposition AND her coloring.  When there are at last count, about 25 black cats at the shelter, it is competitive for Blackie to get a home of her own.  I don't know what's going to become of her, and I guess I am trying to be a friend to her for now.

Blackie started to panic in the maternity room much like last time.  She started to climb up the cages with these amazing claws.  They are so long, they curl like little hooks, so she can climb steel cages like a monkey.  It is impossible to get her off with those claws making this unbreakable loop around each cage bar.  I never saw anything like it.  I kept trying to get her off the cages, and she kept scaffolding up, knocking bowls of water in her wake,  getting paper and bedding wet in each cage she passed.  It was nerve wracking to say the least!  Luckily, to my embarrassment a vet walked in the room and saw the situation and asked if I needed help.  I hesitated, but then it was clear I wasn't going to resolve this on my own,
I said, "yes"!
The vet simply pulled the cat by the scruff of her neck and down she came. Ok, no problem, just another day for them.  I was worn out by now.  Don't know how I got into this situation.  I had to mention these hook like claws of hers were a problem!  The vet suggested cutting her claws.
I said, "I will observe!"
After going through many sets of clippers that weren't right, the vet found a pair she approved of (kind of like wire cutters), and clipped away.  This, on a cat that I thought would be impossible to manage.  Really, it was quite simple; just hold the cat by the scruff of its neck and no issues.  Cut the white tip of the claw, don't go into the quick or where the color is more pinkish. Blackie won't be scaffolding the cages anytime soon!  I held her for a while after such a drama.  Needless to say, she is ok with being held.  She would turn around every now and then and look up at my face with those big yellow eyes of hers.  It made me think there is hope for her.  After all, she did have a home once.

My visit is not complete until I get all the FIVs out for their playtime.  Lauren helped me with this task, so at least I didn't have to talk to only cats for the next 1.5 hours!  Thomas, Ginger, Loverboy, Alvin, and Tahlullah came out for play this time.  Miss Ellie would not come out of her cage easily.  Playing was typical, Alvin and Loverboy running after balls and laser beams, Thomas was less active than them, but more than he has been in the past.  He really liked the attention Lauren was giving him, grooming him and relieving him of his hideous bib for a bit.

Ginger made me mad.  He attacked Thomas two times and I had to block the two of them. I put him back in his cage.  I am thinking Ginger is jealous of the attention I give the other cats.  I may try holding Ginger next time.  Its just that he weighs in ~ 18 pounds and is a strain on my back to move him around!

Tahlullah was her usual social, sweet self.  Having to walk around and greet every being in the room is always her style.  While this isn't always good with the Toms present, one has to help her keep her space from them.  Balls and laser beams do not interest her.  Lauren sat on the floor and patted her leg and Tahlullah came up to her and let her stroke her back, just like a dog!  I am jealous.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Getting a depressed Cat to Play

Of all the efforts I put into to socializing these outcasted kittys at the Anderson Animal Shelter, I never think that it means much to anyone let alone the animals; however, on this Thursday's visit Thomas totally surprised me.  He actually ran and played for the first time since I met him months ago!  He went from a cat that looked like he was dead in his cage to a cat that runs and chases a laser pointer!  It was hopeful, and made me feel better about the efforts I made for these cats.  This took months of taking him out of his cage to isolated rooms with a couple other of the FIV+ cats, and after watching the other cats chase the laser beam, he finally decided to try too!  I just wish the hope floats and someone would help me and adopt these cats into good homes.  Though, I keep saying when I get enough funds, I am going to add-on a three season room and take all the FIV+ cats out of the shelter and permanently foster them! 
Thomas(blue bib) & Alvin playing

This play session was quite active with all the FIVs+ playing except for Ginger, who just laid in a basket the whole time.  Makes no sense; he can do that in his cage.  He still insists on coming into the play room anyway, making more work for me by having to carry him! I am hoping he will surprise me one day by running after the laser pointer beam too.

As the play session ended, I took each cat back to their respective cages, not without drama, however.  It is getting harder to round them up as they don't want to go back in there.  Loverboy bit and scratched me (for the first time) and I could not get him out of the tunnel he was hiding in; Miss Ellie started hissing and clawing me all the way back to her cage. Ok, its clear they don't want to go back to the cage, I'm sorry, I don't have a better option. I can't blame them.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

When Cat's Attack You

Yesterday's visit at the Anderson Animal Shelter was met with mixed results. A couple of cats attacked me! Yes, really.  One was a cat that is often ignored and has been there about one year, Blackie, and the other is one that I have handled before, Memphis. While the shelter is an environment where one will encounter every cat personality, one likes to think they can help these difficult ones, but its not always the case. At best, I ended on a kind note, cuddling with one of my fav's, Loverboy!

Blackie is a 3 year old DSH, black female.  Apparently, she had a family before coming to Anderson. While I managed to get her out of her cage, it was not without cause.  She managed to get all her front claws and even the hind ones into my shirt and gloves!  Her claws seemed to curve under more so than the other cats.  I had a real time trying to get her loose!  I tried placing her on my lap to see if she would sit with me, and to my surprise she was OK with that and would have sat there forever!  So she just needs some time out of her cage!

Next, I let Memphis out of his cage(see the cat showcase for his pix).  He just walked out on his own, once I opened his cage door.  He was quite normal acting, did not cause a stir with Blackie or Majken (also out for a break).  So, I thought I would try him out on my lap and see if he can just be a lap cat.  This is where all Hell let loose, Memphis turned into some demon cat like I had never seen before!  I was scared for my life.  He totally freaked out: clawing, biting, slicing my arm at warp speed! My heart skipped a few beats for sure!  Now, I understand he does have neurological issues and then some.  I have to believe a cat like this would benefit from some sort of drug therapy, just like its human counterparts.

I also let another cat out for a stretch, Tiger. She walked out of her cage on her own, and seemed to enjoy exploring the maternity room. Though, I didn't try to pick her up(been scratched enough already).  Apparently, the former owner had her locked in a bathroom for a few years as he didn't want her scratching furniture!  She was a little hissy, but hopefully, with play dates she will overcome that.

Finally, after these kitties were put back, I started the play session with the FIV+'s:  Thomas, Loverboy, Ginger, Miss Ellie, Alvin, and Oliver.  I had to go in two groups as they all don't play nicely together.  Miss Ellie was playing with the laser as I hoped.  Though she was cautious with Alvin romping nearby.  Alvin plays wildly with the laser or flying balls.  Oliver hasn't been out of his cage in a while, but today I decided to get him out.  It was a struggle, but he was good about it(no claw marks!).  He is not up to par, he just seemed to curl up and want to sleep.  I will have to make him a priority next visit.

Finally, the visit isn't complete without getting Thomas, (jailbreak)Loverboy, and Ginger out.  These cats see me, sit up, and start meowing loudly; they know their playtime has arrived! Loverboy is no trouble at all to get out of his cage; he needs no help whatsoever. Ginger on the other hand, weighs a ton, so he steps into a basket I put in his cage, then I lift him with the basket, and its easier for me to move him.  We all go to the maternity room and the fun begins as usual.
Thomas and Ginger: Brothers in Arms
Loverboy chases the laser beam, Alvin runs after the ball, Loverboy runs after Alvin.  See, Alvin can mitigate both groups of cats fairly well, and seems to get more animated with Loverboy in the picture.  I don't trust any of the females in this second group as Ginger, Loverboy, and occasionally Thomas will attack one another, and they have to be policed accordingly!

Once the play session is up, the cats know it, as their expressions drop! They know it when I  carry each cat back to its cage one by one.  They learn fast. The lively atmosphere has turned gloomy!  I leave Loverboy last as I wanted to take him to the window for some fresh air. He loved it. Too bad he only had a minute there!  I wish I had a 'get out of jail free' card for him! 
Loverboy back in his cage, turns sad.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Socializing a Difficult Cat

Last Thursday's visit was a happy time, at the Anderson Animal shelter in South Elgin, IL. For one, Thomas was out of clinic and back to his old cage. Secondly,  Miss Ellie played with us! Also, I tried to get in a little earlier this time so I could spend some time with new cats. Thankfully, volunteer uber alles and mentor, Lauren, showed up on the scene to help me out.

The happiest instant was with Miss Ellie, a very pretty calico, and a typically moody, hissy lady, that could lay her claws or teeth into one's hand without warning, I have the scars to prove it!  This time she came out of her cage willingly.  Now I wonder if its because volunteer(Uber Alles) and friend,  Lauren was present, and Miss Ellie may be more familiar with her. She even played catch with a ball, and chased the laser pointer around too! All this coming from a cat that never played with me before. This cat has made a complete turnaround! It shows that there is hope for a difficult cat! Adding to it, she is FIV+ too.

I let Snowball, Tidbit, and Lucky1 out of their cages. Since its my first time with these cats, I don't know their personalities yet. Snowball is a pretty, long haired all-white cat. Tidbit, also long-haired, with a calico pattern. Quite nice natured and enjoyed her brief visit to the maternity room. She did not like returning to her cage, and started growling(not many do!). Lucky1 is a black cat, and I don't think he has ever been out of his cage! He was quite disoriented when put on the floor!

I also let Memphis out- a black and white tuxedo, and a purported neurologically problematic cat. Sometimes, I feel bad when I pass his cage; I don't know what's going to happen to him. He is not popular with anyone, and is always passed over by potential adopters. He just seems very energetic at times. But today, he acted fairly normal on this instant.  I opened his cage, he simply walked out, checked out the surrounds(maternity room) and when he was tired of it, walked back into his cage on his own. He really goes crazy chasing the laser pointer image around.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Sick Cat at the Shelter

Today was my first day back to the Anderson Animal shelter in almost a week. A lot can go on in one week at the shelter.  Firstly, I noticed Thomas was not in his cage, but a large sign was posted on it saying, "Save for Thomas."  Well, it relieved me at least that he was still around, but why was he not there?  I asked a shelter worker his whereabouts and was told Thomas was taken ill a few days ago and is under observation in clinic. Oh no! I am worried for him.

It was quiet in the shelter as no kids programs were going on and not all the staff was present, I assume because of spring break. That also meant I had to help out inquiring visitors with the cats. Actually, it worked out ok, as one fireman and his daughter were interested in Ginger(see cat showcase page for a photo), a large white cat with a few orange splotches. Excitedly, I offered to take him to the maternity room so they could interact with him. Ginger was more intent on cleaning himself and curling up in a basket. Though, I suggested Ginger will climb up on one's lap and do the same thing, given the opportunity. For a moment, I thought I may actually be able to find a home for Ginger. Could it be... Well, the daughter quickly moved on to other cats, like Pixie, who wouldn't come out of her cage. Good one.

Then the big news: a new Siamese kitten arrived on the scene! Poor guy was found abandoned. I got to believe he is a pedigree, just by looking at his points/markings. Very classic Siamese colors of light and dark browns, and of course, the blue eyes. Very sweet, he should get scarfed up right away by someone. I don't have a picture of him, but maybe on my next visit if he is still around.

I managed to get Alvin, Talullah, Loverboy, and Ginger all into the maternity room for their play session. They were about as active as usual: Ginger cleaning himself and trying to get situated in his basket, Alvin chasing a ball, and Loverboy chasing after him. Talullah tried to make friends but I had to keep a close watch on her with these rambunctious boys around.

Finally, I was more concerned about Thomas, whom was not in his cage. I asked a clinic worker(Steve) where he was and found out he had been taken with a fever, vomiting, and not eating. He had been given an IV and put on observation. Feeling like I failed this cat somehow, I asked to see him.

My uber alles volunteer and friend, Lauren, arrived at the same moment. So we all strolled together, to the rear of the shelter where no one but staff gets to go, the operating room, to find other sickly creatures: a diabetic cat named Mathis, and another orange cat named Alek, interned for irritable bowel syndrome. They are long term tenants back there, but are treated quite well from what I understand. Mathis is free-roaming and collects insulin twice daily.  Alek gets to dine on pricey raw foods and gets to roam as long as no surgery is scheduled.

Thomas was sitting up in a cage, right as rain. I screamed with excitement, "Thomas, you missed playtime, you need to get out of there, your my baby, I missed you!" Needless to say, he looked like he was on the mend to me, giving me head butts and rubs. We interacted for about 15 minutes, me talking to him about his friends he missed during playtime, and he took great interest, purring and rubbing my forehead. Hopefully, he will be back in cat country soon!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Cat's Playing at the Shelter

If there is one thing for sure, a visit to the Anderson Animal shelter in South Elgin, IL is never dull! 
My cats were a real side show today. Maybe, its the unseasonably warm weather we are enjoying in Chicago.

It started with Loverboy bolting straight out of his cage, slipping right through my hands, around the perimeter of cat country(a cat gym), into the next room, up onto the top of the cages, where I finally cornered him!
I fetched a ladder and grabbed him and carried him to the maternity room(a small secluded room). He really didn't want that, a slight whimper, but he doesn't have a lot of say in the matter.

Then, I brought the other willing cats out: Thomas(blue collar), Ginger, and Alvin(tabby). Thomas had poop on the edge of his collar! However,  I was able to wash it off being in the maternity room, which has a sink! Alvin and Loverboy played catch with a couple of balls, until Loverboy went after Alvin, and being too active,  I had to throw him back in his cage. Loverboy will pick fights with moving cats. You can see him in the video, the cat with the arched back and bushy tail, trying to look bigger than he is. He is definitely the alpha male on this chain gang, and is always trying to prove it!

Once things settled back down, Alvin climbed up on my lap of his own doings. I was pleasantly flattered. He tried to get comfy moving about, and finally settled with his body half on my chest so his face was looking up at me, with an expression, "why don't you take me home?" I did not have a good answer. :(

I didn't get the girls out(Miss Ellie and Talullah); I don't want them out if Loverboy is out at the same time. By the time Loverboy was put back, there wasn't anytime left. Poor girls. Miss Ellie is still not budging from her cage, and I petted Talullah, who is always ready to escape her cage.

All kitties listed here are waiting for their forever homes!