Thursday, May 3, 2012

A new Cat

I took out a new black cat today, Donavan. He was very friendly and active.  He would find a home with his personality, just that he's black and it will be harder just on coloring to place him. The shelter has over 25 black cats as it is.  Looks like his tail was amputated and now he has to wear that hideous cone until its healed.

Next, I got Blackie out; she growled at me as usual, but she will sit nicely on one's lap forever if you have that long!  I just hope one day that she will play for me, as that would show great progress in socialization!

Of the fivs+ I got out Alvin, Ginger, Thomas, Loverboy, and Little One. Tallulah is too social for the first bunch and would get swatted for sure. Oliver wouldn't come out of his cage, and Miss Ellie was in ISO with a respiratory infection.

It seemed like there were fights galore and all I was doing was breaking up cats sparring. Ginger is a real work, and not only huge but a huge bully on top of it, seemed like I was always pulling him off of a cat. Loverboy has to be followed around too. He would punch Thomas in his face, strategically going right in the center of that hideous cone with his paw, repeatedly! Like Thomas is doing anything to cause this or defend himself. So I had to keep Thomas on my right, and he liked that and started purring!  Next, Alvin probably tired of hiding from the bullies and climbed on my lap and went to sleep.  Loverboy was on the perch below Thomas and kept chewing on my gloved hand!  I really adore Loverboy, but I wish he wouldn't bully the other cats.

Ginger ran and played for the first time, however. I made him get up this play session and wouldn't let him sit in the basket. The cats seemed to let him have the floor to himself, or maybe they didn't want to get attacked!

Time flies when your having fun.  Three hours seemed to go by in a heartbeat, and I didn't get to socialize all the cats I would like to!  I always make time at the end to make sure my special cats have comfy bedding.  I had to hunt down something softer for Alvin, which he always likes, he started kneading it with his paws. I found a nice bed for Blackie with tall, padded sides, even though she was growling at me the whole time.  I thought she would like that so she can hide from everyone.  I'd like to think if someone shows her a little kindness, maybe she will ease up and tolerate her stay at the shelter.

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